Friday, April 17, 2009

Happiest Day of My Life!

I don't know why I hadn't done the math before this, but apparently the day that Harry Potter XI opens and the first day of the Convention will be occurring on the very same day!

Because the voices in my head compelled me to check, I have figured out that I will be viewing HP6 at either the Carmike Stadium 6 or Cinemark Movie 8 in Mankato. But looking at their current schedules I see that the first showing either one has today is 4 in the afternoon.

Is this the sort of thing that goes on in Minnesota? No early afternoon movies? I already live in fear that I may be hit by a bus before the convention AND that I might be hit by a bus before I get to see HP6. The fact that both of those things are happening on the same day is makeing me fearful of all public transportation!

Anyone up for a midnight movie Thursday night in Minneapolis?


  1. Is the movie opening on the 17th or the 15th? Trailer said one and the website said the other (can't remember which said which). Literary worlds colliding! But at least we're all in the same boat. And even the little rinky dink theater in my town opens early on Harry Potter movie day, so I suspect there will be earlier showings? I just need to figure out if I can keep my will-be-7-months-old-by-then baby girl quiet during the movie!

  2. That is indeed quite temptng. I can still certainly arrange things to arrive in Minneapolis on Thursday. . . (Melissa in Dallas)

  3. I would give my left arm for an 11:30 showing on Friday morning! And I hosey baby-holding time at the convention, if you bring her. Like Irma's to the boys in the crowd, my nearly Mrs. Poppy-like curves are almost irresistible to babies. They nap almost immediately upon meeting me. Of course, that could be my personality!

  4. What's this 'hosey' business?? I PONEY that one -- I have a feeling there will be a lot of baby grabbing and holding there. We need Tacy and Paul with a carriage to watch the little ones while the rest of us throw tomatoes at each other.

  5. My daughter takes her baby to the movies with her 12 year old twins. She nurses the baby, and brings her Boppy with her. When she was younger, she used to just nurse then sleep on the Boppy, now she faces forward after a snack and watches with them. It all depends on what you're willing to do :)

  6. I definitely take her to the movies with me and usually nurse her into a nap -- though she did turn around after eating and seem to enjoy Monsters vs Aliens a couple of weeks back. So I'm happy to do that and if all else fails -- hand her over to Mrs. Poppy!

    My sister and I have long debated Irma's "curves like Anna Held's." Was she Rubenesque do you think, or just, um, busty?

  7. Don't worry. During the summer there are week day matinee showings even in Deep Valley. With HP, I expect there will even be a midnight showing on opening day. I'll be happy to lead the caravan for any and all strangers in town. I suspect it will be at the River Hills Mall theatre complex.

  8. This HP fan & her carmate from Chicago are definitely planning to find a show after arrival in Mankato on Friday! The problem is, even if we leave Chicago at 7am, we still won't get to Mankato 'til mid-afternoon, then trying to arrange this without missing Kathleen's meet & greet and Kathy B.'s 6:30 talk.

    Anyone up for either a mid-afternoon showing or for a late night one on Friday?

  9. Harry Potter Eleven? (XI?) I must have missed hearing you all rave about a few in between. :)
    Cindy in SC

  10. Keep up Cindy! This is the one where he has the midlife crisis and buys a Dustbuster 500 convertible broom and takes up with Lavender Brown.

  11. Hee. And just an update on this. The opening date is definitely the 15th, so now we don't have to fret missing any BT festivities for HP. Not that some of us more "invested" HP fans might not sneak out for our second viewing late one contention evening.

    Susan A.
